A Welcoming Statement from Amamelia
The School of the Feminine Divine is the
gift of my soul to Mother Earth. It is also my gift to my sisters and
brothers on Earth. I humbly welcome you to this School. Open your heart
and set your intent to manifest the Mother Divine in your heart, in your
physical body, in your emotional body, in your mental body and in your
spiritual body.
The name – School of the Feminine Divine - is from my heart. To
me it is like a celestial call home. I see is as part of the worldwide
shift in energies to bring in and ground the sacred feminine energies,
the Mother Divine so that we may all learn to live in balance. Sacred
feminine and sacred masculine both honoured equally giving rise to the
sacred child within, the holy Self.
We are all ancient beings. We all have access to celestial realms. Now
is the time to remember why you chose to incarnate on earth at this time.
Now is the time to become whole. Now is the time to be true to your dreams.
Now is the time to awaken to who you truly are. |
The Curriculum of the School
The teachings
of the School include;
A study of sacred feminine consciousness
Profound self inquiry
The Goddess and Ageless Wisdom Teachings
Ancient feminine shamanic teachings
Living a sacred life in the world
Balancing your feminine and masculine energies
Creative expression of learning |
About This Goddess School
The learning in the school encompasses the four
aspects of the medicine wheel – or as some might say – the four faces
of Mother/Father God/All That Is – the four faces of Great Spirit. The
learning encourages a balancing of your physical/emotional/mental and
spiritual bodies as well as your feminine and masculine energies.
There comes a time in the journey of all souls when it is time to wake
up and to truly remember who you are. This School is like a cosmic wake-up
call. It signifies the shifting energies for you, for me, for the planet,
and for the galaxy. It is time to remember the sacred feminine on all
planes. It is time to honour the sacred feminine on earth and in heaven. |

The Divine Mother Speaks:
‘ Welcome to my Beloved's. I hold you dearly within
my heart and I blow gently on your threefold heart flame. This is a School
that comes from the Ray 2 inner ashram – the ray of love/wisdom and beauty.
Visualise a rose, a lotus or a magnolia bloom. Place it within your
heart and if it speaks to you, resonates with you, this School is for
you. It is for those who are seeking the key to the golden door of their
heart. For those who are seeking connection to the holy of holy’s within
their own heart. This school holds a note, a song, a vibration that
can mirror for you the unfolding of the flower within your own heart.
Listen to your heart for your heart knows truly.’
The journey unfolded with beauty and a new sense of myself, --a return to my heart
Orchadia Rose - Graduate |
Copyright 2017 School of the Feminine Divine. All Rights Reserved |