Grandmother Moon
Grandmother Moon
Grandmother Moon
sends her blessings
like tinsel stardust
peek a boo petticoats
and cotton lace
on the moonlit harbour
I am blessed
by the abundance
that you share
Thank you
dear Grandmother Moon
I bask in your
silver shadow
and dance on
the nights highway
that your light
and your love
nourish my heart
and feed my soul
and along the silver spiral of your life
my spirit soars
Listening In The Silence
my ears feel hot
that which was not allowed
might come in
the shouting, the abuse, the pain
the warmth brings memories long forgotten
my heart beat slows
I covered my ears
so I couldn’t see
hearing is seeing
I feel the nausea
the birds fly through me
in the hollow log of the void
the twittering is inexorably mixed with me
all part of the same hum
boundless timeless spaceless
the dance
deep deep deep
beyond my visible ear
I hear Mother earths vibration
like a deep buzzing
I see the dark mountainside
I hear her call
I hear the lights twinkling
and the smoke rising
I hear the sunset closing
the shadows move across the land
the pink-orange vibrations
the water’s ripples
the trees thinking
the hum of my bones
I hear the eucalyptus calling me
toning in the dreamtime
celestial messages to the seven sisters
I hear the didgeridoo
within the dreamtime of the tree
my ears hurt again
and I hear
that which was unheard
the lights twinkle
resonate with the trees
every sound passes through me
and burns my ears
like a 1000 year old water wheel
moving again
to unfamiliar music
Grandmother Spider
I look
I see
Grandmother Spider spinning
forever spinning
interweaving and interconnecting
she is everything
all spinning
she is the red flower
the heart of the cross of living fire
the centre of mother earth
my centre
as she weaves the universe
she weaves my truth
every spiral connecting
every word entwining
as Grandmother Spider
weaves the heavens
and spins the earth
I see the truth of her weaving
and feel the presence of her entwining
we are all but Grandmother Spider
we are all but her web
and all but her weaving
we are all that she is
for eternity
Jaguar Woman
we met in the twilight
smoke tendrils
wisping moving gliding
I caught her eye
held for a moment in tender embrace
the essence of each other
stealthily prancing to the ancient beat
ecstatic union of twin flames
primeval heat
the roots of the trees speak of her wisdom
within each leaf
life essence flows
in her honour
in the embers of the fire
a memory of eternity
she leapt from the void
the ancient womb of woman
and brought to the Dreamtime
the sacred cunning of woman
she moves with stealth and grace
she is my sister
Jaguar Woman
ancient one
eternal crone
mother of wisdom